Monday, June 23, 2008

S. Redford Cuts Update

According to our local newsrag (Redford Observer) the proposed budget cuts for our neighboring school district seem to be heading for approval. I wish them well.

Our district (Redford Union) has been dealing with budget cuts, downsizing, trimming the fat, or whatever you want to call it, for what seems like forever. An editorial headline in the Detroit News tells the Detroit Public School chief to look to the Ford Motor Company to learn how to deal with cuts before it becomes too late. I laugh because I think Ford called Redford Union to see what to do?!

I do remember our union leaders and administrators telling the staff that the problem is greater than the apparent mismanagement of funds, at least in our district. The real problem is school funding from the state. We were told that it wouldn't be long before every district, even the "rich" ones would be affected. I believe that time is here. In addition the souring economy in the state certainly doesn't help the overall picture of school finances.

1 comment:

laanba said...

We are having some of the same problems in Texas. Thankfully my district is further down the line over the cliff, but some well off areas are going to be really hurting starting next year. It will certainly make life interesting.