Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Choir Final Exams

Today I gave my 4th hour choir their final exam for 2nd semester. Our school policy is that if you have more than 3 absences for the semester you must take the exam; if you have more than 10 absences you must pass the exam with a C grade to receive credit in the class. If your absences are higher than 10 per semester the grade required to pass goes up by a 1/3 of a grade for every additional 5 absences. Now the throw even more confusion into the mixture, tardies... You're allowed 3 per semester, anything after the 3rd one counts as an absence. So a student with 9 absences and 7 tardies must pass the exam with a C+ in order to receive credit for the semester.

Believe it or not this is not the basis of this rant!

What is the basis is that this choir (and I use the term loosely) was told exactly what would be covered on the exam: short answer questions about repertoire, vocal music programs in the schools, etc., eighth notes and rests, terminology (such as dynamics, tempo and expression markings), sharps/flats/naturals, whole and half steps, and enharmonic spellings. Then, they are allowed to use any materials given in class, including handouts, worksheets and previous tests. Students are given slightly over two hours to take the exam (I know...there's another rant subject).

Out of the 17 students who were required to take the exam, 6 had to pass the exam with a C or C+ (depending on absences) and one student had to pass with an A+. Fortunately for this young lady she didn't show up to take the exam and therefore automatically receives an E for the semester.

Given all of the above, two students passed the exam. The class average, including a very generous curve, was 28%. Even with the curve only three students passed the exam. Out of the 7 who HAD to pass it, only one did; the others weren't even close.

I am a good teacher, no wait...I'm a great teacher. What is it with some of these morons who sit in a chair (on a good day), day after day and nothing sinks in. No desire, no shame, no motivation. I just don't get it (and obviously they don't either). The real problem is: they don't give a damn and I do!

(Climbing down off of my soapbox now). Just one more round of exams to go!

1 comment:

laanba said...

I'm sending this link to my assistant. This is one of her common soap boxes. You aren't alone in this!