Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New Opportunities - Finale

What a crazy week this has been. Tomorrow (Thursday) was supposed to have been my second interview with the Oscoda Area Schools for the Asst. Principal job for the high school. I've always said that I'd love to finish my career in that part of the state, and here it is, almost available!

Rhonda and I spent many afternoons and evenings discussing why we should go and why we shouldn't go, if offered the job. Regardless of which direction we leaned towards the one major, I mean MAJOR stumbling block was the house. It's not ready to be put on the market, and would take at least two months to get it ready. That would mean maintaining a small apartment for at least 6 months and travelling from Redford to Oscoda to Redford every weekend.

The pay for the Oscoda position is comparable to what I'm making now, so that's not an issue, but we figured that it would cost us between $1200-1500 per month in lodging, food and gas. That's just too big of a financial hit to take for an uncertain amount of time.

Last Monday I called and withdrew my name from consideration for the position. I also called my current administrators, who had already given their recommendations to the principal at Oscoda HS. I was so happy that their responses were of relief that I wouldn't be leaving the RU district, which really helped me realize that I had made a good decision.

Shortly afterward the superintendent from Oscoda called and asked why I had chosen to remove my name from the list of candidates. I explained about the financial situation and that very few job offers would have been any improvement in finances. She completely understood. She then told me that I had been the #1 contender for the position and that I could change my mind, right now, if I wanted to and the job would be mine. I thanked her and politely declined.

So what have I learned from all of this?
1. I am marketable
2. I interview well
3. I am appreciated by my current employer and administrators
4. We really need to whip this house into shape
5. The economy in Michigan is NOT to be taken for's bad, and could get
6. My wife and I really do agree on lots of things
7. I enjoy camping and travelling anywhere I want to go
8. Someday, just not this year, I'll make a good administrator

I've slept better than I have for the past two weeks!

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